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Mother and Baby on the Beach

Do you have the right plan for your most precious investment of all?

Life changes, so

should you plan.

You're right, you need a unique plan for your unique family.

Whether you are a first home buyer with a honeymoon offer that's now expiring, or dutifully paying down your mortgage plus a little extra each month, you already know there are more options out there to explore.

Does this sound like you?

  • You put off making financials decisions because you have no time

  • You're unclear on your current financial situation

  • You make a good income but you never seem to have anything left over

  • You're worried about making the right decisions without the know-how or expertise

You already know:


  • You need to make sure you’re really clear on your financial goals and family priorities

  • You need to decide on the right financial strategies for your personal circumstances

  • You need a plan to tie it all together and put checks in place to track your progress

  • You need to make it happen - easier said than done when your time is so limited

These are important decisions and you already know you need the best advice to help you understand the many angles. 

You may even already know which way you'd like to go. 

But you need to be sure. You need more.

Take control today

“They go out of their way to ensure you have clear prioritised family goals before starting to talk about your actual financial plan. They make an effort to explain the actual mechanics, I think that is key to gaining trust.”

Rankin Family - Yarraville

Get the complete picture and a tailored plan for your unique situation

Tailored Products

We independently review and consider a wide selection of available financial products to find the perfect match for you and your situation.

Personalised service
Logical approach

We work hard to earn your trust and become a part of your extended family. We're available where you need us and when you need us. We're always there.

We have an incredibly simple process and an even simpler flat monthly fee. There are no hidden costs at all.

Family based

We offer an exclusive service to young families to help you get the very best start. That's what we do, and that's who we help.

Unique Plan

Every family is different. We know this because we are a business of young families ourselves. That's why we ensure your plan is uniquely fitted to you from the first meeting where we'll explore your goals to our regular catch ups.

The right tools

You need to take control too, so we offer easy to use online tools to help you keep track of your financial situation. Now you can avoid surprises and stay focused.

Stay on track with regular reviews

Life changes and so does the financial world. Your plan is regularly reviewed to see how you are progressing, what can be tweaked and what new products are available that can help you reach your goals sooner.


Get the complete picture and a tailored plan for your unique situation

You can set an appointment in a matter of minutes

Get a free consultation in less than 48 hours

We'll follow-up right away

No obligation. Just understanding.

Wealth Effect Group

Or call us directly on 1300 13 59 53 63

The Fish Family - East Malvern, VIC

"It's good to get their point of view about where we are in the market, where I am financially, where I am with my life stages. They really help me put my mind at ease in making sure that I'm heading in the right direction.


The reason why I use these guys is that they are very knowledgeable in the finance space, but they're also very approachable. They put your mind at ease."

Still looking for info? Download our guide to living a mortgage-free life sooner.

Understand the broad home loan types and what they mean for you.

Understanding when it might be a good time to refinance.

What to look out for when considering refinancing.

Simple budgeting and cash flow tips to strip years off your mortgage.

Download now

"There is something very satisfying about helping people achieve their life goals, you know you are making a positive difference."

Experienced advice

We've successfully helped many families grow their wealth through investing, structuring and cashflow management. We'll help you craft a plan that fits your goals and current situation.

Tailored strategies

We personalise your financial strategy and educate you so that you are in control of your finances so that your finances don't have control of you. 

Office Hours


Monday to Friday

8.30am to 6.00pm


Suite 102, 175b Stephen St, Yarraville, VIC 

Schedule an appointment that fits your needs.

We're always available on the phone, but feel free to drop by and say hello.

Call today1300 459 101

Wealth Effect Group is an Authorised Representative of Boston  Reed Ltd ABN 89 091 004 885, AFSL 225738

“Andre Dirckze (AR 395157)  and Wealth Effect Group (CAR 424768) are authorized representatives of Boston Reed AFSL 225738 ABN 89 091 004 885”

As part of our continuing commitment to client service, the maintenance of client confidentiality and as required by law, Boston Reed  Limited complies with the Privacy Act 1988.

Wealth Effect Pty Ltd ATF Wealth Effect Unit Trust. ABN: 78 766 858 328  trading as WE Mortgage Solutions as an Authorised Credit Representative of BLSSA Pty Ltd Australian Credit Licence Number 391237,  Authorised Credit Representative :480612.

Any advice in this website is of a general nature only and all case studies are for illustrative purposes only. Please seek advice tailored to your own personal circumstances before acting on this information. 


© Wealth Effect Group 2022

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